Simple Proxy for puppeteer extension rewritten

I have an extension that controls the proxy of a browser. Before the rewrite, it was pretty slim, written in plain Valina JS, and I didn't touch it for three years.

But manifest V3 will be mandatory as of June this year, so I rewrote it. It took me a few hours, and I converted it into a Svelte TS extension.

Added a few new features, like the possibility to auto-disconnect if the proxy is failing, start the proxy with the browser, being able to verify a proxy is valid, and dark theme(as defaul...

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Pitfalls of securing SPA without backend

The only perceivable reason to want to secure a SPA without a backend is to avoid costs as much as possible. Securing without a backend is an almost impossible task. But still, you can secure some parts using browser encryption before building and deploying.

And you can avoid huge costs since you can serve millions of static high-quality requests virtually free.

But then again, what good is that? After all, without an API, or a database, you practically serve something akin to a book, and you can...

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Semi-open Github Repos

If you ever had a repo and didn't want to set it completely open, then you didn't have many choices. For example, Gitlab at least lets you have a public repo with private code, but this isn't a thing for Github.

So I thought of a simple system where you have a bot that watches specific repos, and if a user stars one of those repos, then the bot will automatically invite that user to the private repo associated with the starred repo by a map.

You can take a look if you want on GitHub. The code for ...

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PartyTown On SvelteKit

To start, I'll say what party town is, in a nutshell: it's a tool to get some of your execution out of the main thread and into a worker.
It's doing that by communicating between the worker and the main thread, which will primarily execute DOM updates.
More in-depth, this concept works by you marking the scripts as `not javascript` then those scripts are forwarded to the worker. If those scripts are external, they must be passed through a proxy that will get around CORS.
Now most common use for Pa...

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