Tag Web Development

Pitfalls of securing SPA without backend

The only perceivable reason to want to secure a SPA without a backend is to avoid costs as much as possible. Securing without a backend is an almost impossible task. But still, you can secure some parts using browser encryption before building and deploying.

And you can avoid huge costs since you can serve millions of static high-quality requests virtually free.

But then again, what good is that? After all, without an API, or a database, you practically serve something akin to a book, and you can...

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Big Data Insights

I found this lengthy gem of an article ( https://motherduck.com/blog/big-data-is-dead/ ) about big data being dead written by JORDAN TIGANI. And I enjoyed every byte of it, especially because it reveals so much about HYPE vs reality, specifically about big data, and more concretely about Big Query.

My opinion is that now the big data hype has decreased considerably which is a great outcome but at its inception, like many other skeptics for me was a move to convince more institutions w...

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JS Tag Cloud derived from Wordpress

When I started to code this blog, I tried to extract from my WordPress blog some simple features that I think are essential. Now I don't know how crucial a `Tag Cloud` is, but I assume even if it is not central, nothing is more emblematic of a blog than a tag cloud widget. In the words of Brendan Eich, tag clouds are around since "js purpose was to replace the HTML marque element."
The first thing I did was go to WordPress git source code to do a quick rewrite, but the tag cloud-generating ...

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Deno Deploy Thoughts

This is some old draft article that I didn't want to trash, so I'll try to at least partially salvage it.

I played a bit with Deno deploy a while back, and I must say quite impressive that using Deno deploy is very easy to fast spawn a serverless worker, similar to a Cloudflare worker.

If I were to deploy something on a large scale where serverless workers could be a suitable environment as a replacement for a different backend set-up, and I had to choose a paid service, I would probably go wit...

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