Tag Code Example

PartyTown On SvelteKit

To start, I'll say what party town is, in a nutshell: it's a tool to get some of your execution out of the main thread and into a worker.
It's doing that by communicating between the worker and the main thread, which will primarily execute DOM updates.
More in-depth, this concept works by you marking the scripts as `not javascript` then those scripts are forwarded to the worker. If those scripts are external, they must be passed through a proxy that will get around CORS.
Now most common use for Pa...

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Scrap / GET Contribution Table from GitHub

So when it comes to some products like Twitter & GitHub, there are ways to either access non-public APIs or minimum, to scrap info that we can't take easily with the official API.
For Twitter, I think it is more important because you can access a lot of data for free, but I'm not going into that in detail because methods still work for years. And I think people who found ways to scrape data from Twitter data with not much cost should continue. 

About GitHub, you probably know this, for i...

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JS Tag Cloud derived from Wordpress

When I started to code this blog, I tried to extract from my WordPress blog some simple features that I think are essential. Now I don't know how crucial a `Tag Cloud` is, but I assume even if it is not central, nothing is more emblematic of a blog than a tag cloud widget. In the words of Brendan Eich, tag clouds are around since "js purpose was to replace the HTML marque element."
The first thing I did was go to WordPress git source code to do a quick rewrite, but the tag cloud-generating ...

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At last no more FART Chrome 93+

For those who like to implement both light and dark themes and want to do that in the most optimized way I have good news for you Google Recently implemented in Chrome > 93 the ability to get the user preference using server-side technologies.

Why is that important? Because just in case you didn't hear the term FART by now it stands for "Flash of inAccurate coloR Theme", the main issue is that if you don't know the user preference before sending a response to a request, you can optimally se...

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