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Tag QT

C++ Windows Detect If MBR or GPT PartitionStyle Simple Example

As the title suggest this is a Windows-only example, you may notice that I used it in QT environment from qDebug() helper function, honestly, the only small project that I can think of for this function is one where you would like to change the bootloader, but as I said this is a trivial example.

A few remarks:

  • 1 CreateFile needs to be called from a process that was run as admin in order to work ( require admin in manifest )
  • 2 On MBR Fist sector/boot sector is always writeable
  • 3 L"\\\\.\\PHYSI...
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Shred Function Qt C++ on windows

So, I searched for such a function and, I did find some things on O-Stack, but I rewrote what I found because it didn't actually work, I tested this function and it works pretty well, I think it has room for improvement as usual but I thought to share it anyway.

So here it is:

bool QtClAct::shred(const QString & fileName, uint RepeatWrite, bool DeleteFileLink) { if(RepeatWrite &lt; 1) RepeatWrite = 1; QSaveFile file(fileName); QFileInfo fi(file.fileName()); for(int i=0; i &lt; RepeatWrite; i++)...
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