WSL1 became unusable - I finally switched to WSL2

When WSL1 first appeared I was pretty excited, a lot of people claim today that because WSL, Windows is the best platform for developers, personally these days I think any OS from the big three can act as a perfect developing platform since many of us use docker anyway.

But back to WSL1, what I really liked was the WSL1 was Cygwin on steroids a kind of "Linux Wine", and that meant a lot from the perspective of OS development, because it really was a step in the direction of merging OSes rather...

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Flask PyWebCamWebMonitor Web App

A couple months ago I made a Python-Vue app ( Flask PyWebCamWebMonitor ) for controlling webcams(live view/record/stream) attached to a Linux host.

It's pretty straight forward you use pip3 to install it then you install it as a system service or you start it manually with a command that is registered on the system automatically after you installed the python package.

When I first released it I tested it on a Linux X86 host but my intention was to make the app work even on the smallest dev bo...

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Async Task without Queue or E-loop PHP

Most react-PHP code I've seen in the open that is not extension-based (doesn't extend the PHP core language) uses some kind Event-Loop, something similar to how many technologies or languages(I.e. JavaScript) implement concurrency that doesn't support threads.

And historically on single-core CPU's threads practically transformed into loops underneath. But the main idea is that in many languages, an async behavior is very easily achieved, maybe you need a keyword, maybe you need a special class,...

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The new native-lazy load Vue Component

So since April 2020 we have a browser native support to do lazy loading of images which is great, so i decided to write a quick Vue component that uses that functionality.

One problem with the lazy native loading is that it won't display any loading indicator when the image loads.

At the moment only Firefox and Chromium(also Android) based browsers are supporting this feature but it behaves very differently, in Chromium-based browsers it loads far from the end of the viewpoint (a very eager l...

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