Tag Code Example

Load WP post with JS Fetch

If you want to load the post faster you can use JS to fetch your post, but on modern browsers probably preloading pages will be faster, the only drawback of preloading is that you'll consume storage for your visitors even if they don't visit the preloaded links, also with preloading links you will consume more bandwidth and resources on the server-side.

So if you want to stick with fetching with JS here is an example, but first, as a note, the example will not use the default REST API mostly be...

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Don't include external JS for custom content example Goodreads

On many websites, you can have content embedded from other sites and one way that most external sites will offer will be to include a script that's hosted on their website.

But if all that script does is including some remote content there are better ways to get that, that will provide customizations and performance.

For example, the website Goodreads offers such an embed JS with a list of the latest books you read, and you must include the script where you want the content to be shown. But t...

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Build a Simple WordPress commenting system on top of the native one with AMP support

There are a lot of commenting system plugins out there but most of them come with a cost, and sometimes just building a simple WordPress commenting system on top of the native commenting system can be enough.

The main features of this system will be:

  • Comments will be only loaded if the user clicks a button
  • Comments will be submitted and fetched by JS
  • Comments will have paginations fetched by JS
  • Comments will have some JS interactivity
  • Comments will have the reply feature enabled
  • The comment system...
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Flask PyWebCamWebMonitor Web App

A couple months ago I made a Python-Vue app ( Flask PyWebCamWebMonitor ) for controlling webcams(live view/record/stream) attached to a Linux host.

It's pretty straight forward you use pip3 to install it then you install it as a system service or you start it manually with a command that is registered on the system automatically after you installed the python package.

When I first released it I tested it on a Linux X86 host but my intention was to make the app work even on the smallest dev bo...

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