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Tag JavaScript

JS Tag Cloud derived from Wordpress

When I started to code this blog, I tried to extract from my WordPress blog some simple features that I think are essential. Now I don't know how crucial a `Tag Cloud` is, but I assume even if it is not central, nothing is more emblematic of a blog than a tag cloud widget. In the words of Brendan Eich, tag clouds are around since "js purpose was to replace the HTML marque element."
The first thing I did was go to WordPress git source code to do a quick rewrite, but the tag cloud-generating funct...

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Made a SvelteKit blog that runs on Deno Serverless

Just converted and deployed this blog on Netlify. So I've been exploring svelte, and svelteKit, and I was looking to refresh my old blog that is in a neglected state. When I started this blog was 2007, and then it was of course, a WordPress blog, but I deleted most of the old articles partly because a lot of them were in my native language and also because I didn't feel like they should still be accessible like I said I can admit content was always low frequency and low effort.

So this blog has ...

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Clear EVM Wallet

I made this wallet in the course of two weeks based on Ethers, Ionic and Vue. Right now, it is built solely as a chrome extension wallet, but I used Ionic in case I will make later from the same code base a mobile/desktop variant.

It implements Metamask API and should work with most websites. I used my main address to do a few transactions on Polygon, Optimism, and Gnosis.

It has a nice set of refreshing features, like wiping all data, controlling all security settings, and importing or exporti...

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Deno Deploy Thoughts

This is some old draft article that I didn't want to trash, so I'll try to at least partially salvage it.

I played a bit with Deno deploy a while back, and I must say quite impressive that using Deno deploy is very easy to fast spawn a serverless worker, similar to a Cloudflare worker.

If I were to deploy something on a large scale where serverless workers could be a suitable environment as a replacement for a different backend set-up, and I had to choose a paid service, I would probably go wit...

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