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PHP Class for modifying old HTML static copies / mirrors

Ok you made a static mirror(maybe with HTTrack, maybe with something else) and you still want to host it somewhere, but you also want to make a change to all the static pages without modifying each and every one of the files. In that case, you need to load that file using a script that reads the file at the time of loading then makes the changes you want and after that displays it. Sound simple enough so I made a PHP class that does just that and I even wrote 2 flavors of the script to work on ...

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Depreciation notice error in PHPMyAdmin with 16.04 (Nginx)

Ok if you want to get rid of those nasty notices you have basically 4 options. You should note that the notices are caused by the oldish version of PHPMyAdmin that still uses some deprecated code, mainly old constructor definition statements. But they don't affect PHPMyAdmin as those statements still function but they should be changes as they will not work for eternity.

So the first one is to just turn off the notices for the PHPMyAdmin folder. You can do that by usin...

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