wp-downloadmanager bug fix 1.68.1

So if you want a WordPress plugin for managing downloads and to be capable of working with external URLs you can choose this plugin(wp-downloadmanager). Unfortunately on the WordPress plugin directory, there aren't so many plugins that have in their design external URLs, of course, external URLs aren't what you would want most of the time but there are some cases where such URLs are preferred and this was my case too. After installing this plugin I detected that it had a bug exactly when working... View full article

Shred Function Qt C++ on windows

So, I searched for such a function and, I did find some things on O-Stack, but I rewrote what I found because it didn't actually work, I tested this function and it works pretty well, I think it has room for improvement as usual but I thought to share it anyway.

So here it is:

bool QtClAct::shred(const QString & fileName, uint RepeatWrite, bool DeleteFileLink) { if(RepeatWrite < 1) RepeatWrite = 1; QSaveFile file(fileName); QFileInfo fi(file.fileName()); for(int i=0; i < Repea...
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Linux Folder / Folders Backup on Yandex

Ok so a little while ago I made a Linux Yandex python script for backing MySQL databases and sync them on Yandex Disk, so if I already did that I thought I should use a part of that script and make a backup script for folders.

Most of the script is self-explanatory, all you have to do is to change the variables before the starting of the class keyword for your own needs. I put some comments that will better explain what you should define in each variable. Most of them are either of type string ...

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Concluzie înaintea rezultatelor SUA Noiembrie 2016

Cine va câștiga?, în dimineață următoare, miercuri 9 noiembrie se va afla și în România. Nu știm încă dacă va fi sau nu o surpriză, dar trebuie să înțelegem că este relativ dificil sa prezici cu certitudine orice rezultat, poate greșesc și sunt convins ca mulți nu ar fi de acord, dar dintre doi candidați care semnifică realmente definiția cuvântului deplorabil nu prea contează cine va triumfa. Cred totuși că în ciuda faptului ca Trump la prima vedere pare o sperietoare pentru statul California ș... View full article