How to convert a MyISAM WordPress database easily

If you have an old WordPress database is possible that the engine for the MySQL/Maria tables to be MyISAM, and I don't know if you heard but the MySQL will drop MyISAM in the future. So we know that we can use the SQL query:

[code lang="SQL"] ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=InnoDB; [/code] 
So we just need the name of our tables and then do a search and replace(I used notepad++).
so we can get all the names if we use optimize tables from PHPMyAdmin, so do a select all optimize from PHPMyAdmin and ...
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Personal GitLab on a home bare metal through Reverse proxy

If you don't want all your repositories on GitHub or other project hosting platforms, you can choose Gitlab. I guess you already know what GitLab is. It is very similar to the Gitlab platform and the best thing is that hosting is on your server, you can have private/internal/public repositories. You have some kind of open source security software that you can be used for nefarious uses, you want to make the source public but some big companies consider that this kind of code is not "open source...

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Hey US, are you asking who to vote in november?

Down to no choice

There isn't actually a choice, let's face it. None of the candidates is worth a vote, but nevertheless casting a vote is said to be the spirit of democracy. Evidently, for me, democracy is a thing that had a possibility of existence in ancient Greek. What we today call democracy is an outdated way of pretending that people truly have the authority to shape their society. When the de facto perception of some people of wealth is that common people are worms in comparison with any... View full article

Java concurrent programming homework

Some days ago I published on my personal Gitlab server some project/homework. (Java concurrent programming). I did this some time ago for a master's course at my university. I think I did spend a day or less on it so the code is just for the purpose of demonstration. In fact as usual after the presentation, I left it to rot. I will probably put some other dead corpses on a string there as I have so much code even from a decade ago.

Anyway, Where is the Link to my java concurrent programming Home...

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