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Tag JavaScript

Puppeteer tricks to write a bot/scrapper

I wrote a bot recently that does some actions after it authenticates with an account using puppeteer and it was incredibly easy.
In case you don't know what puppeteer does, well, it is simply a Node library to control Chromium or Chrome programmatically, now such a library can have many uses but I'll focus on what you need to know when writing a scrapper/bot.

The first thing to know is what kind of website you are dealing with, it is a traditional website or is more like a SPA type of website? A...

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Example of Language System in an Ionic 3 Application

When you want to create a language system and add multiple languages to your Ionic APP you have various designs available, but in a simple APP, there are 2 major ones.

The first design is where the UI design and APP functionality remain the same for both languages, in this case, you can use some javascript objects for every component you have.
This design is suited when you want to have consistency and implies a bit less work.

The second option is to clone each of your components for every langu...

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Fast way to set up a form with PHPMailer and Ajax

PHPMailer is a popular library for sending emails as the project of the title suggests. In GitHub, the readme file has a nice example of a basic setup, but today I'll give you a similar simple example using jQuery, Swal( Sweet alert ).

So first this is the PHP script that should respond to an ajax request (for example a file named smail.php):

<?php error_reporting(0); // Import PHPMailer classes into the global namespace // These must be at the top of your script, not inside a function use PHPM...
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How to implement a CAPTCHA for Google Forms

Is it possible to make a random captcha for a google form? You may search and find on google groups and other sources a hard no to this question but, in fact, there is one method that I made that works pretty well. Unfortunately, there are some catches with the method that I am about to show you, but until we get to that, we first have to ensure that we can meet a requirement that this method has. This primary requirement is an URL/server that can generate dynamically a captcha image from a gi...

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