Tag Windows

WSL1 became unusable - I finally switched to WSL2

When WSL1 first appeared I was pretty excited, a lot of people claim today that because WSL, Windows is the best platform for developers, personally these days I think any OS from the big three can act as a perfect developing platform since many of us use docker anyway.

But back to WSL1, what I really liked was the WSL1 was Cygwin on steroids a kind of "Linux Wine", and that meant a lot from the perspective of OS development, because it really was a step in the direction of merging OSes rather...

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PHP 7.0.24 Curl Bug on Windows

As you probably know running PHP on Windows is a bad idea as you can get into a plethora of problems even for a simple development setup but, when you want to test a quick script or you just want to write maybe a solution to an algorithmic problem found on some type of programmer improvement site that accepts solutions in PHP you can use of course some prebuild windows binaries from windows.php.net. Anyway, the main gist of this mini-post is that I found a recurring bug with the CURL library, th... View full article

C++ Windows Detect If MBR or GPT PartitionStyle Simple Example

As the title suggest this is a Windows-only example, you may notice that I used it in QT environment from qDebug() helper function, honestly, the only small project that I can think of for this function is one where you would like to change the bootloader, but as I said this is a trivial example.

A few remarks:

  • 1 CreateFile needs to be called from a process that was run as admin in order to work ( require admin in manifest )
  • 2 On MBR Fist sector/boot sector is always writeable
  • 3 L"\\\\.\\PHYSI...
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Avast breaks the ability to create new User on Win

I had to make a new user on a Windows 7 workstation machine, and the simple create user procedure failed miserably,  I thought maybe there are some permission problems.

The user created with GUI ( either control panel or MMC)  or from the console with the "net user command", spawned multiple 'profile' and 'temp' folders in the USERS folder, didn't create the necessary registry entries.

And if you logged in with any of the created users you got a perpetual "preparing desktop" and when ...

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